May 23. Osh Kyrgyzstan to Karakul
Tajikistan. 359 km
After a night of drinking a few to many
балтика (Baltika beer) I was slow to get on the road. I left
Osh about 1 in the afternoon and had some shashlik about 50 km out of
town. The road to Sary Tash winds up a river valley and over a couple
of passes, the higher about 3600 m. About 11,790 feet. This was just
the beginning of my altitude training. Kyrgyzstan is so great to ride
in because the scenery seems to change every 30 seconds. 1 minute you
are riding in desert and the next you are in lush green hills and the
next you are riding between snow covered peaks. You eyes are never
bored. In Sary Tash, the fuel station only had 80 octane. I was not
about to ride the Pamir highway on 80 octane so I went 30km to Sary
Moghul where I had heard there was 93 octane. I am learning never to
trust a local with distance in these countries. The gas station
attendant said 16 km.. luckily I had enough fuel to cover the 30. The
Kyrgyz post was easy and quick to get through. 20 km later of no mans
land, a few water crossings and a muddy pass, you come to the Tajik
border crossing. After about 30 minutes I was on my way toward
Karakul. The lake was still 100% covered by Ice. After a quick noodle
dinner I was in bed. I slept so well in the cold covered by many
heavy blankets.
May 24 Karakul to Near Murgab. 320 km
Quick breakfast of fried eggs and bread
then on the road. It was a brisk morning with not much sunshine.
There was not much wind so I was feeling good. Soon I was climbing
what is the highest elevation I have ever been at.. on moto or on
foot. The sign said 4666 meters. My GPS said 4635. Some maps say
4655. Regardless of the actual height, it is up there.. Just over
15,200 ft. Previously the highest I had been was 14,300 feet climbing
in Colorado. I rode about 130 km before getting to Murgab. There were
3 peddle bikes next to a hotel and I had a funny feeling that I
recognized one of them. I went inside to find my friend Raf who I had
met in Greece months earlier. Since we had separated in Greece, he
had been through Iran and a handful of other countries. We wanted to
share some stories, but they wanted to keep riding. We agreed to meet
up later in the day to camp. I had some tracks out by the Chinese
border so I went exploring. For the first bit I eating the dust of
chinese trucks every couple of minutes but soon I turned onto a
road.. more like a track.. that went north through some beautiful
territory. The trave varied between highspeed smooth gravel to
muddy/grass/melted snow/stream crossing to rocky no road but the gps
track I had recieved from my friends at Muztoo in Osh. (I'll talk
about them later on). I made it back to the main road and found an
arrow made of rocks point me north. About 6:00 in the evening I found
the other 3 setting up camp. It was perfect timing because they had
been there for about 10 minutes. We shared stories, food, a bit of
Kyrg cognac and wisdom of the road. Soon the moon came up and the
whole valley was lit up. A beautiful night. We were camping at about
4000 m, about 13,000 ft. It was a cold night and combined with the
altitude, I did not sleep very well with a headache. The cognac
probably didn't help. I am glad I put my water filter in my sleeping
bag with me because the stream was frozen when we woke up. My ceramic
filter surely would have been ruined since I used it earlier that
We woke up and broke down camp. I
didn't eat any food but drank lots of water and some tea. I knew I'd
be going down in elevation all day. The ride into Murgab was quick. I
fueled up at the same station I was at the day before. The attendant
was quite surprised to see me. I rode for a while then found a cafe.
By this time it was around noon and I was getting quite hungry. I had
some nice meat dumplings and conversation with a couple from the UK
on push bikes. I have seen way more push bikes then motos. I'm either
early or its just easier to fly in and ride pushers. Shortly after I
headed on some offroad track in search of good views, hot springs and
geysers. The geyser was quite small but I'm glad I found it. It was
an excuse to ride some technical stuff. I found a "hot spring"
near Yashil Kul but I use the term hot loosely. They were lukewarm at
best. If it wasn't so windy I would have taken the chance to bath but
I knew a storm was coming. I headed toward the Wakhan valley and
climbing the pass I was hit by snow. None was sticking but it was
still snow. I soon got my first look at Afghanistan and the Pamir
river. There was a quick military checkpoint with no one manning it.
A few minutes later I saw a man walking from a barracks about 1 km
away. He looked at my passport and shook my hand. I was on my way. I
will admit, I was a bit nervous about this part of the world.
Especially being so close to Afghanistan. Misha from Russia had told
me he did not do the Wakhan Corridor because he was told it was
unsafe and I should not do it. I did my own research and decided not
to listen to the rumors. I am so glad I didn't. The riding was so
amazing. I saw more goat herds than cars by a factor of about 10 to
1. I saw no other foreigners. I never felt in danger. I never ever
regretted my decision. For the most part I was 100 to 500 meters
above the river. I found a homestay in Langar and after healthy
portion of plov I went to bed.
It was raining in the morning but I was
on the road by 10:00 after catching up on some journal entries.
Unlike the previous day I was riding along the river in and out of
pockets of population. The traffic was still nonexistent. The people
are so nice. Children wave when they see you a mile away. Men wave
when you wave to them with a huge smile on their face. Woman wave if
they are outside of town. Otherwise they make eye contact, smile and
blush. You share a moment for a split second and you know nothing and
everything about that person. I continued on the Garm Chasma and
found a hotel. It was 30 sumis for a simple room, about $7. The hot
springs is "modern" meaning it flows into 2 pools. One for
men and one for woman. I relaxed the large pool for about a half hour
with 10 or so other naked dudes.
Effective way to make a fence. |
Everyone wants water. |
May 27 Garm Chasma to Kalaikhum. 292 km
May 28 Kalaikhum to Dushanbe. 381 km
I got fuel in Kalaikhum then headed
out. The road was potholed gravel for a while and I stopped to take a
picture and noticed the dry bag with my Tent, sleeping bag and camp
pad had fallen off my moto. I turned around and started backtracking.
Soon I saw the military trucks that I had passed earlier. I flagged
them down and tried to explain what I was looking for. They laughed
at me for about a minute then one guy jumped out the cab and handed
it to me. I thanked them all with candy bars. Soon after that there
is road construction for about 120 km. It was either smooth rolled
gravel with small rocks making it like riding on marbles or it was
brand new pavement. Soon the canyon opened up and I was riding on a
shit gravel/mud/clay/dusty road along the river. They were building
bridges over the rivers that flow into the Pamir so there were a few
rocky water crossings but nothing horrible. Later as you are climbing
away from the Pamir valley toward Dushanbe, the road is all clay. You
are either in rockhard dusty ruts or nasty red mud. There is no in
between. The moto started to give me an FI fault code (as discussed
earlier). By the time I made it to Dushanbe I was very frustrated.
About 50 times that day I had to turn the moto on and off to reset
the problem. It would last anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 hours
without problem again. I found the Adventurers Inn Guesthouse just as
it was starting to get dark. A few people on bikes, a few backpackers
and some guys in a landrover were all there. It was nice to be around
travelers again.

Brand new road. |
Cool guy. Ski instructor in wintertime. Adventure travel in the summer. |
My last view of Afghanistan for a while. |
Watch out for the washout. |
May 29 and 30 Dushanbe
On the 29th I spent most of the day
getting caught up some writing, video editing and journal entries.
Later in the day I took a spin on the moto. I connected the
multimeter to the regulator/rectifier to see if that was the problem.
Sure enough, when the FI light started flashing and the bike went
into limp mode (running like shit) the voltage jumped from 14.4v to
19v. I tired to find an auto bazaar to see if I could source
replacement parts. It seems Motos are very uncommon in Tajikistan so
no luck. That night I met a guy who knows a guy. If you have problems
with your moto in Dushanbe, there is only one guy who can help you.
His name is Andrew (sounds like Andre) and he speaks about as much
english as I speak russian. I brought my bike to his garage (a
container full of tools and scooter parts) and I showed him what I
needed. He had some Reg/Recs from chinese scooters but they were 2
phase charging not 3 phase like the bigger bikes. I was thinking I
was totally screwed and would have to wait for parts to come in. I
asked if he knew of anyone with a big bike that had been crashed.
His friend had a 95 yamaha 600 that was not running. Within 20
minutes I had a direct bolt up replacement of the reg/rec on the KTM.
We spliced the wires and I was again charging at 14.4 v. 200 sumis
later, about $50, and I was in business. That night we celebrated
with many beers and shashlik. Note to self: Chicken wings on shashlik
skewers are amazing. There was a girl from Singapore at the
Adventurer's Inn was talking about going north to Iskandar lake by
share taxi. She didn't know if she could get the 24km back to the
lake from the main road. I told her I was heading up that way and if
she needed I could get her to the lake if needed....
Old and New. |
May 31 Dushanbe to Iskander Lake. 155
I woke up early to finalise plans for
meeting up with Shanaz. She left around 7 to go find a share taxi.
Then go to work putting all the luggage back on the bike. By about
11:00 I was on the road headed north toward the dreaded "Iranian
made tunnel". The road getting there was beautiful twisting
along a river then into green mountains with white snow. The tunnel
itself is 7km long and although it is total shite, I still had fun.
There were only 3 large trucks in the tunnel when I went through so
the smog was not so bad. There is a small light about every 100 m or
so. I counted 3 broken down cars. Cars and trucks will take what ever
path they think will be the best for them.. just like most roads in
central Asia. Centerlines are just a pipedream. There is lots of
water which is not a problem. You need to be careful for the rebar
that is protruding from the concrete in the holes and from the walls.
You don't want to become shashlik. I turned on the gopro and got some
footage for later. The best part about the tunnel is the temperature.
Nice and cold. On the north side of the tunnel there was almost no
grass. It was not green and lush like the other side. Soon I was
riding on gravel toward Iskandar and I arrived at a checkpoint. There
was a BMW 650 Dakar with Swiss plates parked at the gate. This
belonged to my new friend Kim. He has been riding for a few months,
has a fishing pole and is planning on going to Magadan around the
same time. It seems the wolfpack might have grown. Kim, Shanaz and I
did some hiking to a waterfall and another lake, enjoying the nice
view. Later we tried fishing with no luck. We tried to walk up to a
smaller lake to do some fishing but we were stopped by locals.
Apparently it is a private lake for the Tajik president and you will
get a $120 fine for fishing there. Oh well, it would have made a good
story. We shared some stories and all went to bed when it got dark.
These guys wouldn't let me pay for water. They said you are our friend, it is on us. |
Inside Aznob tunnel |
I wasn't about to go out on that platform. |
June 1 Iskandar to Isfarna. 366 km
Shanaz decided not to stay in Iskandar
longer then 1 night so she rode on my moto back to the road and Kim
strapped her bag to his. She got a share taxi back to Dushanbe within
5 minutes of hitting the main road. I went north and Kim went south
toward Dushanbe to ride the Pamir. Soon I was riding switchbacks up a
mountain to the "Chinese built tunnel". The road to the
tunnel had been cracking up so they were removing pavement in
sections in preparation for the fix. This meant there was 6 inch
drops or ledges in random places all over the road. I was doing lots
of stand up riding and 2nd gear wheelies to get up and down these
ledges. Cars and trucks were crawling along and I must have passed at
least 100 cars. The tunnel is well lit, has ventilation and there is
no water. Soon after the tunnel I met a guy from Germany on a brand
new BMW 1200. I told him about the tunnel and the southern route
along the Pamir. He said he would skip the southern route because he
is not confident in his ability with this heavy bike. I wanted to ask
him why? Why have a big bike if it will limit your trip? I bit my
tongue. Soon after I saw the Swiss couple in the Landrover who were
on the ferry to Auktau with me. They had some clutch problems in
Uzbek but now were back in business. It really is crazy in this part
of the world. Its a bottleneck for overlanders. There are limited
routes and you keep seeing the same people. The day dragged on after
I left the mountains. It was hot there was a crazy sidewind. When I
got to Isfarna, the rain and lightning started just as I found a
The night before I just wanted a shower
and bed. I did not notice half the ceiling was covered in black mold.
I would have requested a different room. I got out of there quickly.
The place where my moto was parked inside had a cherry tree and they
insisted I climb the tree and fill a bag of cherries. I'm glad I did.
They were amazing and I got about 3 pounds for free. The crossing
into Kyrgyzstan was one of the quickest I have had so far. It was 20
minutes max for both Tajik and Kyrgyz customs. This part of
Kyrgyzstan has some "islands" of Uzbek that the main road
goes through. You have to avoid these by riding on gravel for some of
the way. They are trying to rebuild the roads that go around but its
nowhere close to being done. I got into Osh about 3 in the afternoon
and checked into the Tes Guesthouse for the 3rd time. The shower was
One of the roads you get to take to avoid the Uzbek "islands" in Kyrgyzstan |