June 13. Boat trip to Krakatoa.
While consuming many Bingtang with my
new French friends the night before, they asked me if I wanted to
take a powerboart to Krakatoa with them. I thought this would be a
good trip. Plus, How can you say no to snorkeling, an active volcano
and 4 hours on a boat with 3 cute French girls, 2 of which are
single. The boat itself was about 25 feet long and construction from
fiberglass. It had twin 40 hp motors. It was by no means a fast boat,
but it wan't slow either. We quickly learned the further back in the
boar you sat, the better the ride. The front would rise and fall and
hit the waves hard. The back was the pivot point. Krakatoa exploded
in 1883 and killed nearly 30,000 people with the ash and resulting
tsunami. The 1 island was destroyed and when the ash settled, there
were 3 smaller ones. Since then, a new volcano cone has gradually
grown in the middle of the other 3 islands. The islands are a park
but the rangers will charge you about $200 a person if you want to
trekk on the islands. We were told this when we left and the guy who
set up the tour said "Since we will only take you to the beach,
you shouldn't pay that money. This is just the rangers trying to get
money from tourists." Fair enough. I've heard this story before.
We circled the "new" island and had some amazing views of
the cone. Then anchored near the old island and did some snorkeling.
We had lunch on the beach and and got harassed by 2 fairly large
Monitor Lizards. They were not to scared of us which makes me believe
they are fed by humans often. The beach itself was covered with
trash. No wonder the rangers came to hassle the boat captain. They
took him away in the boat for about 20 minutes while we finished our
lunches and played with some floating rocks. Probably one of the
coolest things I've seen in a while. Rocks. That. Float. I was
nerding out pretty hard on that. That evening one of the French girls
hopped on my bike and we went to get beer. I needed an ATM first so
we went looking for that. As soon as we got on the bike, it started
to rain. Within 10 minutes the roads were flooded from the huge rain.
I found an ATM but none of the stores sold beer. Finally on the way
back to the hotel she spotted a small shop with a fridge full of
beer. We bought 10 Bingtang and one Guinness for $3 a piece. I was
now realizing the magnitude of going from a Sumatra to Java, from a
Christian majority to a Muslim majority... Beer is very scarce unless
you are in a tourist town. We were proper soaked when we got back to
the hotel. But it was a successful mission.
New Friends |
Pirates? |
I thought this was cool. The evolution of Krakatoa |
Fish! |
June 14. To Paluban Ratu Bay. 236 km
June 15. Paluban Ratu Bay To Bandung.
Its a long day to Bandung but she knows whats waiting for her there. Service and new parts. She is pulling hard to get there. Once again I'm basically riding blind. Maps are sketchy at best. The roads in the GPS map end and start with no warning. It started to rain in the afternoon while I was twisting up and down the mountians toward Bandung. Since it was pouring hard, I was taking it easy. Trucks had been entering the road from local road. They tracked enough clay onto the road to make it an ice rink. I was only in first gear and I felt the ass end start to slide out. I started to tripod with my right leg but after about a second the front went also. I stood up as the bike dropped in the middle of the road. Trying to pick up the bike was difficult in the shit because the tires wanted to slide. Aroudn the corner I stopped and had a coke. It was time to let the rain stop and collect my nerves. By dark I was in Bandung.
3 minutes after going down. Time to wait for a minute or 2 and let the adrenaline settle. |
the wide bashplate keeps the engine/shifter/brake lever safe. |
I want one. |
Making a "new" offroad scooter |
I'm not sure what it was. |
The 2015 Honda HCR. (Hill Climb Racer) |
June 16-18 Bandung
In Japan when I rode with some guys from the Gaigan Rider forum. My friend Nick told me he grew up in Bandung and knew the offroad community very well there. Often times people tell me "when you get to bla bla bla I know people who will help you". I take this with a grain of salt normally because people love to talk. I needed a shop where I could rebuild my forks, change my oil and figure out why I was loosing coolant. Nick came through for me huge. The local KTM shop was expecting me and welcomed me with open arms. Thanks again to Made, Daru and the rest of the crew at Katoz KTM in Bandung. You guys are amazing.
First I rebuilt the forks. I had been carying fork seals and bearings since Chaing Mai becase I knew they needed it. These forks had never had a full rebuild as far as I know. By now there was nearly 110,000 km on them. They were in need for sure. The mechanics and shop people loved to watch my methods to my madness. They laughed as I used a hair drier to heat the fork tube so the bearings came out easy. This was something new to them. But when the bearings pulled out after only a few slides of the fork tube, they nodded with understanding of why I heated them. Its surprising how little heat it actually takes to expand the tube enough for it to slid easy. They didn't have a seal driver so I went searching for one. It came in the form of a soft drink bottle. The little shop near by had many drinks to choose from but Sprite had the best shape and thickest plastic. I said "I'm going to get a drink". He asked, "What do you want? They will bring it here." I had to explain that I was after the container more than the drink itself. A hose clamp secures the plastic to the inner fork tube so the bearings and seals can be "tapped" or "pushed" into place accordingly. Next I changed the oil. This was straight forward. Nothing abnormal on my drain plug or in the screens. They had ordered new waterpump seals because they only had the outer seal for me. I wanted to replace both. For a while I had been loosing coolant and I couldn't figure out why. The 690 doesn't have a "weep hole" like many bikes, so if my seals were bad, coolant was leaking into the oil. I know what happens to oil when water is in it. I nearly wrecked my Aprilia 550 in the Wild West rally because I started mixing oil and water. The milk shake that covered the interior of the motor was not pretty or desired in any form. This required a full rebuild because any bearing surface gets warn quickly when you replace your oil with this frothy mixture. Luckily, I had not seen this in my 690. In fact, I had not seen much evidence of water in my oil at all. A little bit of "cheese" in my breather tube was all. I figured this was due to the wet climate and condensation on cold mornings. We couldn't find a waterpump gasket so I made one from gasket material. This stuff was great and now I'm carrying some with me. First I tried to "tap" the cover onto the material to trace it. This didn't work as well as I would have liked. Some carpentry chalk would have been ideal, but we didn't have any. So with a razor knife I carefully cut the new gasket out with a combination of tracing the old seal and using the cover as a guide for the knife. Holes are easily cut with a drill and the gasket material sandwiched between some other surface like wood or aluminum to keep it from tearing. Soon the bike was back together and I was ready to head out of town. The last night Daru took me out on for some food around the city. I'm pretty sure I have now eaten every part of a chicken in Asia. Except the feet. I never wanted to try the feat. Liver, kidney, stomach, butt, skin, neck, the list goes on. When you put it on a stick and bbq it, most of it is surprisingly good. I tried to snap a few pics of the city from the back of the scoot and it made for a good night.

She took up a lot of space in the shop |
Nasty fork seals |
Disgusting for oil |
Water pump |
Old water pump seals |
Old and new waterpump gasket |
Free t-shirts are always great! |
The man! Daru |
Every part of the chicken imaginable |
Charcoal coffee |
I wanted this shirt. |
June 19. Bandung to Jojakarta 402 km
June 19 Jojakarta to Blitar 316 km
In the morning I knew I needed a new
front tube. A local motocross shop had Michelin HD tubes for about
$45. I was ok paying this price for where I was and what it is. The
main roads went north and south and I tried to go straight east on a
smaller road. Soon the road ended in a construction area and I had to
split off onto another road. The road kept getting smaller and
smaller to the point where I was on basically a goat path at the top
of a hill. When I stopped to take a picture, I could hear the call to
prayer coming from the valley below. So I pressed on and the little
track soon turned into a jeep road, then a gravel road, then a paved
road and soon I met up with the main highway again. Much further
north then I had originally planned. It was originally intended as a
"short cut". At least that is how I justify it. It wasn't
quicker, it probably wasn't even that much shorter. But it was more
interesting, I can tell you that. My goal was to make it to Malang
which is a short ride to Mt. Bromo but the sun was setting after I
got into Blitar. I stayed in a pretty nice hotel and had a "local"
steak for dinner. The flavor was good even if it was a bit chewy. The
imported steak from OZ and NZ was 2x and 3x the price.
June 20 Blitar to Mt Bromo. 118 km
My track in the volcano. Blue was 1st day. Red in the morning. Blue triangle is where I camped. |
June 21. Bromo to Bali. 325 km.
I woke up early to catch the sunrise.
My plan was to ride to the highest point on the rim to watch the
sunrise. Unfortunately this was also EVERYONE else's plan. 5Km to the
top was gridlock of Jeeps. I said screw this and went back around the
rim to a better location. It was good but I was at a 90 degree to the
sunrise. I rode further around the rim and found the perfect spot. 3
jeeps were parked on the side of the road with some tourists and we
all watched the sun poke above the rim on the other side of the
volcano. Back at the bike I made another cup of coffee while I busted
down camp and looked at the bike. After the 2nd cup of
coffee, I was feeling the call of nature. I really needed to crap. I
knew I was at least 3 km from anyone so I went behind a rock and
dropped my pants. Pants around my ankles, mid-crap, my twig and
berries exposed to the world, squatting deep in thought, I look up
and see a small local lady, probably in her mid 40s. She walked past
my camp and about 20 meters from me. We made eye contact and all I
could do is laugh. She laughed and kept walking. I'm not sure where
she came from, or where she went. But she now knows way more about my
anatomy than she probably ever wants to. I still have to laugh about
it. There really is nothing else to do about a situation like that.
When I was leaving Bromo, the ranger shack had a cars stopped so I
just rode around it. I knew if I stopped they would try to get
another $20 for the extra day. I pretended not to see the ranger and
just kept riding. The ride down the other side of the volcano was just
as amazing as the ride up. They are farming every part of the
mountain that they can. The slopes were so steep, I don't know how
erosion doesn't wash everything away. I burned some pavement for a
couple hundred kms to get to the ferry. I watched the sunset from
the ferry as it was pulling away from the dock. It was dark when I
left the ferry so I headed to the north coast of Bali. I figured the
south Coast to Kuta would be to much traffic. Since it was dark I was
using my LEDs if there was no on coming traffic. The BD Onx is crazy
bright. Being Indonesia, many scooters don't have lights. I would turn
my LEDs off when I first saw headlights then back on when the road
was clear in front of me. I flipped them on after a bus went by only
to see a poor guy on a scooter with burning retinas squinting and
trying not to ride into the ditch. I felt bad but really dude.. if
you had any sort of headlight, I would not have blasted you with
daylight. That night I met a traveling couple who brought me to an
amazing local restaurant. It was about $5 for a very large fresh red
snapper bbq'd right in front of us. We each had our own fish and a
few beers. We were fed and happy.
Traffic jam trying to get to "the top" to view the sunrise. There was still 5 km to go so I went to another place with way way less people. |
Shit coffee with a good view. |
I wonder if he burnt his clutch in the sand or on the hill? |
Pressing wheel bearings into place |
Nasty old front wheel bearings |
Spare sprockets are so useful. |
Noah is a band in Jakarta. They were not to happy I wanted a photo. |
Vespa gang |
no need for a side stand. |
Guy who helped me with my flat front tire. He wouldn't take any money. So I gave his kids some coins from Russia. |
Sunset on the ferry. Not as good as the one the night before. |
So many jokes about this. But which one do you choose? |